Contact Us
Periodically Tonia Simone hosts workshops, fireside chats and seminars. If you have an upcoming event or program that you would like Tonia to present at, please reach out at with:
- Name and/or Organization
- Date/Time of event
- Brief description of event and how you would like Tonia to contribute
- Name and/or Organization
- Services Offered/Community Contribution
The Beloved Wellness Hub
We are currently in the process of compiling a Wellness Resource with contact information for holistic wellness service providers, specializing in care for people of color and other marginalized communities. If you are interested in more information or having your business listed, shoot us an email! Click here to see what modalities of care we are looking to offer.
You can contact Beloved Bodies with any other questions and/or concerns at
Follow @TheBelovedBodies on Instagram for updates, tips and daily doses of love.