How to Brew like a Barista


There is an art to steeping the perfect cup of tea and we hope you fall in love with this nourishing self care practice.

Formula: 8 oz of Hot Water + 2 teaspoons of Beloved Blend + A 10 minute Activity

To elevate the benefits of the infusion, steep tea with a nickel-sized piece of fresh ginger or mint. On average, Herbal Tea Blends need at least 7-10 minutes of steeping time. Use this time intentionally, diving into a meditation, reading a book or sliding into a gentle yoga flow. Even a nap is celebrated. Remember, rest is restorative.


Beloved Herbal Blends Serving Size Cheat Sheet



Estimated Cups per Serving Size

(1.5 -2 tsp= 1 serving)


113 g

40-60 cups


226 g

80-120 cups

16 [(1 Lb.) 90 Day Plan]

453 g

160-240 cups

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